Monday, December 20, 2010

Goal Setting

There is no manual for life. Who you are, where you go, and how soon you get there is up to you. Goal setting is a tool that helps you get what you want out of life. It's that simple.

Alright, I am already back but I just couldn't wait to share this site with you. Lululemon Athletica has created a goal setting web-site designed to help you set personal, health and career goals Lululemon Goal Setting Link. I found it at a critical point in my life, when I was feeling unfulfilled by my career. I, like many others had a list of things I always wanted to do or achieve but had never materialized in any way....This site was true enlightenment for me. I was able to define the things which mattered most to me and set tangible goals, both short and long term. It's hard to describe the excitement I felt, somehow defining these goals made them suddenly POSSIBLE. The Christmas in Paris, owning my own bed and breakfast, my tenth anniversary in Italy all suddenly became a part of my future. The proof that it actually works, I am in the process of attaining one of my goals already to become a yoga teacher. It is so rewarding knowing I am on the path to achieving a goal that is so important to me. I truly believe defining my goal played an integral part in making it all happen. I hope you all take some time, especially at the dawn of a New Year, it is the perfect time to set your goals! Have fun and share back your experiences.

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