Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic

My husband thinks I am a shopaholic. I am stuck in the first stage of addiction: denial. Is it so unusual that my blood rushes through my body when I step into a mall? That I love the sound of hangers sliding on a rod? That there are countless items in my closet with price tags still dangling? Doesn't every woman feel this way? I attempted to argue with him that he has it really good, that there are many woman who are far worst. After all, I don't buy $1400 handbags or own multiple pairs of boots (anything under four is not really a multiple is it?) Either way, I feel the need to prove to him I can survive without shopping. I am challenging myself to go as many days as possible without purchasing a single piece of clothing or footwear. On top of this every time I find something I would normally purchase, I am going to put the money I would have spent in a savings account. We'll see how it goes! I will keep you updated on how I am doing and challenge you all to ask yourselves if you can make a similar change in your own lives.

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